I'm choleric. Horrible, I know. But nevertheless, this is the plight with which God hast endowed me and somehow, I must manage (I plan on managing it by making everyone else do everything that I tell them--or something like that).
But seriously, I'm a choleric, and as such, being a Christian is sometimes difficult. I'm not sure how much more difficult it is from being a human being (I have never ceased to be one or the other at any given time, therefore, I cannot give a balanced opinion, but I digress). But cholerics are controllers, they like to be in the forefront, they love attention.
Jesus wants us to be servants, he wants us to point others towards him, he desires that we decrease and let him increase.
How does a choleric do that?
I'm not sure.
It is an interesting thing when a choleric decides that he/she will enter into ministry. The entire basis of ministry is doing exactly what God wants you to do--for the choleric, that's not so easy...
I love control, but in order to minister effectively I must relinquish all of it.
My willingness to do so dictates my use in the Kingdom. Cholerics have no place in the Kingdom, but not to worry--neither do melancholies or phlegmatics or sanguines...no flesh will glory in His presence.
Check your personality at the door, we all are nothing anyway...
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